Saturday, December 17, 2011

Memory Pegs Rules 101- 107 General Provisions

fed 101 deist
tex 101 deist dear = 1101 1103
102 dozen
fed 103 autism (a) (2) renew objection
tex 103 autism (d) fundamental
104 Tsar a, b, c, d, e
fed 105 tassel
tex 105 tassel a, b
106 dosage
tex 106 dosage deposition
tex 107 toe sack

Rule 102 under the peg system can be "dozen." 1=d, 0=z, 3=n. Think of a dozen porpoises in the water building a porpoise playground to get to "Purpose and Construction."

Rule 103 has an ape, a bean, a sea and a deer. "Autism" is t=1, s=0 and m=3. Dustin Hoffman in "Rainman" suffers from autism. He can remember every card dealt in the casino. The Texas Rules pretty well require this type of ability to preserve error. He takes a Ruler and draws lines all over the oven dancing: Rulings on Evidence." The ape is standing in front of the judge letting him make mistakes so there is no Effect of his Erroneous Ruling. The bean is slapping a lawyer a telling him to get the jury out of the courtroom so he can make his record. The sea is where we dump the jury so they can not hear the rulings of the court. And the deer is being shot with an arrow (error). One shot comes from Thomas Jefferson sending plain arrow. The other one is from the guy on the bucking bull shooting a fun (fundamental) arrow.

Rule 104 is the Tsar. T=1, s=0, r=4. I know we don't pronounce the T, but since we've spelled it in this less common way, I can remember it. This involves a little Tsar running into the classroom before any of the other students and asking a lot of questions. These are Preliminary Questions.

There is an ape at the door deciding who gets in. He is keeping out babies and imbeciles, because they are not learned enough to testify. He keeps out spouses and priests and lawyers, because they have a privilege.

The bean is at another door letting people in because they have promised to send a fax (prove a fact) later that will make an oven dance on an elephant (make the evidence relevant). (By the way, the Restyled Federal Rules are much clearer than the old rules and the Texas Rules in this Article).

The sea swallows up the jury so they cannot hear the preliminary questions.

The deer allows the accused to testify only about the preliminary matter and then grabs his mouth when he is asked about other stuff.

The eye is a big floating eye watching the preliminary hearing, but it floats into the trial in front of the jury and watches the accused throw in the dice (introduce) the oven dance (evidence) on a big bathroom scale (the weight) and it also stomps all over a credit card bill (credibility). So, the party can introduce evidence relevant to weight and credibility.

Rule 105 is a tassle. t=1, s=0, l=5. This guy was wearing those little tassles on his shoes and the host of the party was so embarrassed he would only let him in on a limited basis.

The Texas Rule 105 has the guy trying to ride into the party on a bull with tassels on his cowboy boots. This time he is kept out, but the ape wants it clear that he can't complain to anyone (appeal) and the bean wants it clear it is not the host's (judge's) fault, no matter how wrong he is.

Rule 106 is dosage. d=1, s=0, g=6. The pharmacist ordered the man to cure his ailment by eating the telephone book. The doctor came along and said, if he ate part of it, now he has to eat the whole thing. Remainder of or related writings or recorded statements. The Texas doctor rode in on his bull and said the guy had to eat depositions, too.

Texas Rule 107 is toe sack. t=1, s=0, k=7. This is a sack half full of chopped off toes. It has a big flag of Texas on the side of the sack, because it is only a Texas rule. Once you have a sack half full of chopped off toes, anybody can come along and put all of the rest of the chopped off toes in the sack. If it has letters or tape recordings, all the rest of those can be put in, too.

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